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on May 20, 2008 at 3:55:27 pm

Australia and the Vietnam War

This Wiki is a collaborative project between Miss Brady's and Mr. Longney's Year 10 History classes. It is aimed at discovering the origins and impact of the Vietnam War on Australia. The pages that each pair will create will be based on the following topics:





  1. Reasons for involvement in the War 
  2. Robert Menzies and the Vietnam War
  3. Early Support for the War
  4. Labor Party opposition to the war
  5. The American Alliance
  6. Harold Holt and the Vietnam War
  7. Battle of Long Tan
  8. War Propaganda
  9. Australian Engineers- the tunnel rats
  10. Nurses Of Australia In The Vietnam War
  11. Guerilla Warfare
  12. Conscription
  13. Entertaining the Troops
  14. The Australian media and the war
  15. Anti-War Movement
  16. Moratorium Movement
  17. Conscientious Objectors
  18. Vietnam Veterans
  19. Vietnamese Refugees - Fresh off the Boat
  20. Legacy of the War 


Criteria for assessing the Wiki




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